Fit with Sama - personalized
Personalized workout program in nutrifitopia app based on your fitness level, goals, limitations, and equipment
30-minute one-time welcome and introduction video call
Monthly workout updates tailored to your personal needs and progress
For Men and Women
In-app video demo exercises, calories, and macro tracking, 200+ healthy recipes
Exercise corrective/technique guidance
Weekly Q&A online group meeting
In-app direct message
Personalized workout program in nutrifitopia app based on your fitness level, goals, limitations, and equipment
30-minute one-time welcome and introduction video call
Monthly workout updates tailored to your personal needs and progress
For Men and Women
In-app video demo exercises, calories, and macro tracking, 200+ healthy recipes
Exercise corrective/technique guidance
Weekly Q&A online group meeting
In-app direct message
Personalized workout program in nutrifitopia app based on your fitness level, goals, limitations, and equipment
30-minute one-time welcome and introduction video call
Monthly workout updates tailored to your personal needs and progress
For Men and Women
In-app video demo exercises, calories, and macro tracking, 200+ healthy recipes
Exercise corrective/technique guidance
Weekly Q&A online group meeting
In-app direct message